Undoing Dualism: The Common Lot of Natural, Patriarchal, and Colonial Exploitation

Document Type : Original Article


The Private University of Tunis


This article seeks to develop a critical discussion of how the blending of an ecocritical vision and a feminist outlook, in some instances of postcolonial Anglophone Caribbean fiction, namely Jean Rhys’ works, display significant aspects of continuity related to Canadian literature, namely Margaret Atwood’s works. It is to show that both literary canons, though originating from different historical, cultural, and ideological backgrounds, meet in their perception of natural and patriarchal manipulation as bound up with colonial exploitation. This article also sets out to reach a working definition of the major theoretical framework, using ecocriticism as an umbrella term, and ecofeminism and postcolonial ecofeminism as its derivational and interdisciplinary approaches with the practice of dualism being a common threat. Notably, the exploration of the relationship between feminism and ecological feminism contributes to the development of green theories and environmentalism. The ongoing systems of oppression have left their imprint in Western culture to form several dualistic relationships. The logic of dualism explains the interconnection between the different forms of oppression and forges links between the downgraded categories.
